Ready To Fast Track Your Path To Clear Skin The Naturally Way?

Address root causes, eliminate breakouts & reveal clear, radiant skin with a proven system free of toxic medications.

Get your copy today and get $2997 in fast action bonuses

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Are You Tired Of Useless One-Size-Fits-All Treatments?

It’s easy to get frustrated, overwhelmed, and even lose hope when you’ve tried a lot of different things and haven’t seen any significant improvement.

Maybe your doctor told you acne was genetic and had nothing to do with diet and lifestyle. So now you’re questioning if there’s anything you can do other than harsh medications…

As a functional medicine doctor and holistic dermatology specialist, I’ve helped hundreds of patients identify the cause of those frustrating blemishes and designed all natural whole-body approaches that produce real, sustainable relief. 

Over the last 8 years, I’ve seen these strategies work in 90-95% of the cases. 

I know so many more can be helped beyond my private practice

This is why I’d like to share with you…

My PROVEN Step-by-Step Guides That Have Restored Clear Skin For Our Private Clients

I’ve created an easy way toincorporate my proven strategies into your regimen immediately.

I call it myClear Skin Acceleratortraining.

This complete step-by-step implementation system will help youget clear, radiant FASTER.


Well, I wanted to make this as close to a "sure thing" as I could (without actually working closely with you one-on-one)...

So I’m doing the next best thing and GIVING you my step by step guides for nutrition, skincare, and lifestyle strategies.

Yes, really.

You’re getting my ENTIRE process.

You won’t have to guess what do to do.  

You can literally tart following this regimen right away...

And after implementing a PROVEN system that’s produced dramatic improvement in skin radiance, energy, digestion and more you can start getting results right away!

This is your chance to look over my shoulder as you implement the EXACT same system I’ve used with my private clients.

There’s no guessing involved.

You can skip straight to the part where you hit the ground running and start seeing breakthroughs in your skin QUICKLY!


  • 6 Modules of Video Trainings ($3000 value)

    Weekly dripped modules with over 7 hours of video content. Each packed with digestible step-by-step trainings, checklists, worksheets, handouts & other resources so you can establish the regimen that’s perfect for you that’ll lead to clear skin and radiant health (regardless of where you are with your skin) 

  • Clear Skin Accelerator 3-Day Meal Plan & Recipes + Bonus 30 Day Meal Plan ($600 value)

    Done for you meal plans with easy, delicious recipes to accelerate clear, glowing skin (even if you and don't have a lot of time to cook!)

  • Clear Skin Accelerator Food That Trigger Flareups Checklist ($100 value)

    Learn which foods are most important to steer clear of to prevent acne flare ups. They may not be what you think!

  • Clear Skin Accelerator Acne Healing Superfoods Checklist ($100 value)

    Learn which foods to fill your diet with to accelerate healing and support clear, glowing skin (even if you hate dieting).

  • Clear Skin Accelerator Grocery List ($100 value)

    Take on grocery shopping with ease a confidence with a complete list of foods to stock up on that your skin will love.  

  • Clear Skin Accelerator Supplement Tracker ($200 value)

    Accelerate your results with access to an 8-week regimen based experience with hundreds of cases designed to support clear, healthy skin by addressing root causes behind acne.

Video modules dripped weekly so you can successfully incorporate recommendations into your daily regimen

  • Module 1: Clean Living for Clear Skin Part 1
  • ​Module 2: Clean Living for Clear Skin Part 2
  • ​Module 3: Assembling Your Acne Fighting Supplement Regimen
  • ​Module 4: Restoring Digestive Health for a Happy Skin & A Happy Gut
  • ​Module 5: Tackling Hormonal Acne Like a Boss (even after taking Birth Control Pills!)
  • ​Module 6: Personalizing Your Regimen With Testing

Plus so much more!!

If you were to consult with me one-to-one or another industry expert and get this information, this would cost thousands of dollars easily.  And it would be worth it too! 

When you add this training to your order, you’ll gain instant access to all of the above(which I’ve used to help my private clients eliminate breakouts, see their skin become the clearest it has been in a long time, have loads of energy, better sleep, less anxiety, and improve their overall wellbeing).

How Different Will Your Life Be When...

How different will your life be when you can leave the house, hangout with friends, meet new people without worrying about how your skin looks EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?

How much LIBERATING would that be?

How would your life be different, if instead of constantly obsessing over your skin...

You you were able to face the world with confidence??

How will your spouse look at you differently?

What about your friends and family?

What do you think they will say?

It’ll feel amazing, right?!

I know how powerful this approach is, and I want as many people as possible to have it.

See What Others Are Saying About The Clear Skin Accelerator Method...

"it has been so worth it...within two months I noticed a big difference"

I started seeing Dr. Peter because I’ve been struggling with acne for a few years..... I decided to move forward with the treatment because she offers payment plans, which made it very feasible for me and it has been so worth it....It took some time to get adjusted, but within two months I noticed a big difference. My acne has not healed completely yet but it has greatly improved. Dr. Peter is lovely and I highly recommend her for anyone who is struggling with acne.~ Effy

"My skin has never felt or looked better"

..... I never thought of acne in a way of being a sign if deeper health issues. I love the way that the doctor explains the ways certain foods can help or hinder your skin and that in taking care of your acne you can get healthier too. I always struggled with acne and didn’t realize it was pointing to a deeper issue. I have metabolism problems and the foods that help my acne are also helping my health. I highly recommend this method because my skin has never felt or looked better.~ Vicereine

"I was relieved to find Dr. Peter, someone that would help get to the root cause of the issue."

"I had been dealing with what I thought was hormonal acne for a few years and had tried everything to combat it. I was sick of seeing a dermatologist or esthetician that just recommended different skin products. I was relieved to find Dr. Peter, someone that would help get to the root cause of the issue. She has been very thorough and has good recommendations to help get to the root cause of the issue. I would definitely recommend her!"~ Katie

"A great option to explore"

Have problems with acne? Mild or severe ? This method is A great option to explore. Helps with finding what the root is causing your acne struggles. Will make you think about new approaches and maybe, just maybe your skin will start looking.. better day by day....~ Tia